General Manager Products & Transformation

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Aktuelle Position: Technical Product Leader, Data Platform Manager & genAI & IOT
Wunschposition: General Manager Products & Transformation, Market Segment Leader of Products & digi. Services, SeniorManager &Lead Innovations & Transformations, Strategy & Innvations & Growth Manager, Teamlead or Department Manager Service & Products
Wunschbranche: Anlagen- und Maschinenbau, Automobil & Fahrzeugbau, Dienstleistungen, Energie & Umweltwirtschaft, Informations & Telekomunikationstechnik
Verfügbar ab: 01.09.2024
Persönliche Werte: Agile Mindset, Start small dream big and scale big, Deliver results & respect the team members!, Disagree if needed but show backbone
Einsatzregion: NRW, Niederlande

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